Tag: Sparkle

Sparkle Photograph
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The setup goes well, all up and ready to go with time to spare. Now the nerves are starting to kick in, and the gates open, oh crap, I'm actually going to have to speak to people I've never met before. As my friends know, this is totally out of my comfort zone (and I really mean totally), new people! Talk? Panic…. But as I force myself to approach people and talk about what I know best, my journey, and how Transliving has helped me, it gets easier. I also began to realise a lot of the people I'm talking to are more nervous than I am. Confidence is growing by the minute I tell anyone who will listen about all the great things Transliving has to offer and giving out goodie bags.

Gemma in her Pride T-Shirt

Find out more about Transliving

Transliving International is a global support group for the transgender community.

Online Articles

Read our online articles: be informed about others in the transgender community, get advice and support and be informed!

Club Nights

Club Nights are normally held monthly and are a great opportunity to make new friends and socialise with existing ones.

Weekend Events

Transliving normally holds three weekend events annually, two in Eastbourne and one in Bournemouth; a great chance to escape and be yourself!


Visit our shop for a variety of trans-related products. Treat yourself: you deserve it!


Transliving International is a not-for-profit organisation run by volunteers. It relies on support from the trans-community to be able to provide its services. Please consider donating.

Thank you!